Why is the integration of new technologies important in the classroom?
It is important for many reasons, we are educating people who have integrated many of these new technologies into their daily lives, so for them they are a daily tool and worth taking advantage of their educational potential. On the other hand, new technologies will be an essential element in your working life as is the knowledge of other languages, especially English. We do not know which programs they will use since technology is restricted at great speed, but we are sure that the domain of them will be of great use. We are also convinced that social networks are here to stay, before this the school can remove the head under the wing, stigmatize them or take them to their land and use them in an educational way. Being aware, moreover, that in the issue of social networks, young people often do not have good models, we believe that in their closest environment, family and school, they find positive references.
When did FEDAC-Sant Andreu start to get started with digital literacy? What changes did the classrooms have at a technological level?
Many years ago there was a commitment to digital literacy, starting to provide classrooms with a computer, creating computer rooms, training teachers and even teaching a course for families. If we go to the most recent history of the school, in the 2010-2011 academic year, together with other schools of FEDAC (Fundación Educativo Dominicas Anunciata Pare Coll) we started the School 2.0 project, which among other things assumed that ESO students (students who are currently in 4th grade) will start the 1×1 project, which involved the acquisition of a laptop for each student. Families paid half the cost, the other half was funded by the Department of Education. At that time we were planning how many assignments we could start with this project that involved the use of digital books (in this first stage) as well as the preparation of own material, adaptation of the classrooms, etc. The great involvement of the faculty allowed to start with most subjects, only Physical Education was left out, for obvious reasons, and mathematics, which decided to use the tool partially but not even switch to digital books. The project, currently in its fourth year, has grown enough so that, at this time, all subjects use computers as the main tool, which leads to an imbalance between the use of Moodle (material elaborated/compiled by the teacher) and digital books, in favor of the former. In several subjects, the change of the role of the teacher has been promoted, introducing methodological changes that place the students as the true protagonist of their learning. At a technological level, the classes of RJ 45 cable, Wi-Fi connection, digital pizarra, speakers … It was decided that the digital pine dishes were not interactive since they addressed the process and it was valued that they did not contribute enough.
What projects does the school have to work in this direction?
The 1×1 project, which is currently present in all ESO. The 2×1 project in primary involves a mobile classroom with laptops that allow working with a computer for every two students. It is being used especially in Upper Primary Cycle. The communication project of the school, supposes keeping the website up to date, having 23 active blogs managed mostly by the teachers of each course or the specialists of different subjects, although some of them are managed partially or totally by the students. The communication project also includes the use of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Do new technologies favour better school performance?
I believe that it is soon to ensure that they favor a better school performance, what I am sure is that it does not hinder it, that it does not impoverish performance. There are many more points in favor of continuing to make use of these new technologies than doing without them. As aspects in favor I highlight: greater motivation, speed in finding certain information, can promote critical sense, change the role of the teacher, allow the use of new work methodologies, favor cooperative work… As difficulties I consider it easy to fall into misuse, connectivity failures.
Do you think that there are still teachers who are reluctant or unwilling to use new technologies in the classroom? Why motives?
Yes, there is reluctant profession, often because they are resistant to change, but also out of fear. Often, teachers have the vision of being respected for being an authority in the matter they impose. The teacher knows that he has much more knowledge of his subject than his students, so he has the perception that his students learn thanks to the explanations he gives (master classes) and that gives him security. New technologies push you out of your comfort zone. He will continue to be an expert in the field, but perhaps his students know more than him about the work tool that is used to reach knowledge (computer, programs …) and that is not easy to hunt, it creates insecurity. Another reason why I think there are reluctant teachers is because I require a lot of training, but not so much in new technologies as in the new role of the teacher, evaluation for learning, etc.
Can audiovisual language be didactic?
If, in addition, well used it can help to develop different basic skills such as audiovisual communication, artistic, information processing or interaction with the world, then the good didactic use of this language can lead to global competition.
Have new technologies redefined the role of the teacher in the classroom? If so, in what sense?
Yes, the teacher has the role of coach, accompanies him in the learning process, becomes a guide, proposes activities that serve to select information, analyze it… And it’s not just reproducing it. It uses methodologies in which students become information creators.
Is it necessary to innovate the school curriculum at a methodological and competence-based level to adapt it to the information society? Do you see it as feasible?
Curricular innovation is needed to reach a school that truly works on multiple intelligences and brings students into global competition. This involves the autonomy of the centres to carry out their own project that responds to new social challenges.
Have the teachers of the school or foundation carried out any complementary training in new technologies?
Yes, training has been carried out but not only in new technologies, but also skills training has been very important since it has allowed us to reflect on the use we make of these technologies.
What social networks do you currently participate in? How do you give them a pedagogical use?
Blogger: as I mentioned it is managed by teachers or students. The different blogs provide information about the day to day of the classes, the projects in which they participate, activities such as departures, conferences… but also the day to day of the classroom. Other blogs report on course projects such as e-twinning. Twitter: we inform about school activities, we interact with other educational communities or institutions with which we share educational values (Service Learning of Catalonia, Bofill Foundation, elParlante…), tweet all new blog posts, promote family-friendly activities carried out by neighborhood institutions or cultural institutions (museums, theaters, etc.) with whom we collaborate. Some students in the last years of ESO usually participate by mentioning in the school (and we do RT) the activities in which they participate, such as excursions and plays. Little by little we plan to expand the use and do some activity that allows us to use twitter for didactic use. Facebook: The new entries of the different blogs are shared. Last year an activity was carried out commenting on a 4th grade ESO reading book (Letters from Cameroon) with the participation of its author. Instagram: we share some of the day-to-day images of the school.
How does media competition work in school? Why is it necessary to work with young people in the classroom?
This year we have included the workshops carried out by the elParlante association and this competence is also worked on in the subject of Citizenship in 3rd of ESO and of Ethics in 4th of ESO. It is important because of the competences that are developed, to promote critical sense and because it allows working in real contexts. (See article written by Núria Almansa in which it defines and values the experience of the Common Crossroads in FEDAC-Sant Andreu: http://dominiques-1r- eso.blogspot.com.es/2013/12/st-andreu-cruillacomu2013.html )
Thank you very much and cheer on this long road!