The Parlante worked on the image and communication of this campaign of the City Council of Barcelona that seek to break the stereotypes that exist about ageing.

By: Ana Cecilia Cervantes

I’m old so what? (I’m older, so what?) It is an initiative of citizen awareness to question and dismantle the stereotypes and prejudices that older people often suffer. The project seeks to claim first-hand the right to difference and equality, fighting against ageism. This proposal is promoted by the Department of Children, Youth and People of Barcelona, with the support of the Advisory Council of the Elderly. It raises the need to make visible the great diversity that exists in this cycle of life and invites us to critically reflect on our ideas and attitudes, reviewing and questioning our stereotypes and prejudices around the fact of ageing.

The campaign
I’m Big So what?
has been selected by the WHO as one of the nine best international practices against ageism, and against the stereotypes and prejudices that derive from this discrimination. In your call Take a stand against age discrimination, the WHO made a call to exhibit and disseminate, among the member cities of the International Network of Friendly Cities, those initiatives, such as this, that were working on this issue, so that they can be collected and imitated in other places.

Workshops, dialogues, debates and theatre forum, updated documentation on similar projects, advertising spots to disseminate through social networks, awareness raising materials aimed at citizens in general and much more you will find on the
website of I am Great and what?


and the I+ collective

collaborated together in this initiative producing the image of the campaign promotional videos that you can see here

. Súmate a la campaña utilizando el hashtag #socgranique