The ACTIVACCIÓ project has become an evolution of SINCRONITZA’T, which had 5 editions. It is an audiovisual co-creation space that has made it possible to create, in the reception room of the Verdaguer Institute, with the collaboration of Petits Dibuixos Animats, a participatory animated short film. It was born from the concerns, reflections and experiences of the students, at the same time that it becomes a space for learning and practicing the Catalan language.

Its objective is to activate education in and from cinema for the promotion of cultural diversity, placing young newcomers at the center, so that they are the protagonists and feel heard and valued, while working and sharing their origins and doing value their multiple identities. Based on educommunication and participatory video methodologies, it aims to promote bonding, empowerment and a sense of belonging. It is an alternative space to regular education, which encourages the exploration of the imagination through drawing, crafts, words and poetry.

The project still continues…

The Verdaguer Institute organized a day to share with the families all the work done during the course where the boys and girls from the reception classroom presented the project and the resulting videos with their parents, siblings, sisters, grandparents. The participative video section of La GRAN pantalla, Festival Internacional de Cinema de les Persones Grans de Barcelona, hosted the result of the project, the short film El gasoliner recitador.

The piece will also be used to promote cultural diversity in other schools, neighborhoods and different contexts of the city, within the framework of the La mirada crítica project. There will be a meeting at the Fort Pienc Civic Center between the students of the Verdaguer Institute (Ciutat Vella) and the Costa i Llobera Institute (Sarrià-Sant Gervasi), since they have very different realities and the exchange of images and dialogue it can be enriching for both groups.