At the same time that the year 2024 ends, we also close some projects that try to look critically at the media in particular and society in general. We have collaborated with the Costa i Llobera Institute in the framework of the La Mirada Crítica project, an educommunication strategy that has allowed reflection and discussion on the relations between the global north and south, as well as on the rumours, stereotypes and prejudices of society towards people of diverse origins and cultures. From October to December, we have had different quality workshop participants – from the gypsy community, Afro-descendants, Asian-descendants, adopted people – to speak from the knowledge of their personal experiences and socialize their knowledge with the students .

Among some of the activities, we highlight the monologue ‘El silenci de la fera’ by Sònia Masuda, which comes from the Anti-Rumour Catalog of Barcelona City Council. In this session we talked about the pattern that exists in the cultural world of making characters of Asian descent not speak, especially if they are women. The excuse for stealing their voice is usually to describe them as mysterious people or foreigners who do not speak the local language. But Sonia claims that they are here, they exist, they understand what is happening around them, and they have a voice. On the other hand, in another session these students met with those from the reception classroom of the Verdaguer Institute, with whom we did Activacció A project where education is activated through cinema for the promotion of cultural diversity, placing young newcomers at the center. They shared the animated short film ‘El gasoliner recitador’ and the documentary ‘Estimada iaia’, in addition to collaborating in an intercultural cooking workshop with Diana Pérez.

Another project that focuses on cultural diversity is Filminuts, where we worked with students from the Institut Quatre Cantons. As a result, audiovisual pieces and focused infographics have been created for social networks on topics related to interculturality, and everything that encompasses it. If you want to see the results of these projects, you can follow @lamiradacritica_elp ‘s Instagram! There we will pour the pieces that arise from these projects.