Fear: Alfredo Cohen.

“That they collapse their health, that they do not pay taxes, that their businesses are inspected by nobody, that they are uncivil and one of the causes of lack of work.” Although our history is built from multiple migratory flows, rumors come from stereotypes attributed to people of differentiated origin, are the order of the day, and it does not matter if these people arrived a week ago or 10 years ago, if they have another acento or another skin color, It is very likely that discrimination will occur at some point.


Estas son algunas de las sugerencias de Google para completar la frase...

Estas son algunas de las sugerencias de Google para completar la frase…


If we go to specific groups, the theme seems to invade: “That the Chinese are invading us, that South Americans are very noisy, that Roma steal, that Arabs are machistas, that Africans are violent”. It should be noted, which was already said within Spain or in previous migrations, of the Andalusians who are vague, of the Basques closed, of the Catalan stains.


Stereotypes don't just affect outsiders.

Stereotypes don’t just affect outsiders.


Dismantling are audiovisual pieces that dismantle myths, prejudices and rumors about cultural diversity in Barcelona and that we have been making from elParlante in the Menéndez i Pelayo secondary school in Sarrià. These participatory videos feature fictions that broaden our gaze on different groups with which we share Barcelona, to defend what unites us and enjoy what differentiates us.

The project is carried out during a week in June in which the young participants assume it as their final research work of the 4th grade of ESO (Compulsory Higher Education). Thus, for 5 mornings the students of different classes generate dynamics of collective work and discuss the vision of television and other media about cultural diversity and migration, to then investigate the reality of cultures that share Catalonia and build fiction scripts that will be recorded and edited.

Since 2014 we have made 6
And this month we present a new short film full of humor that helps to reflect on the imaginaries associated with people of Latin American origin. Next, we leave them with a little of the behind the camera and the reflections of the participants, the day September 27th in the auditorium of the institute we will present the final product.

From a more conceptual point of view, what Desmuntamites tries

is to use information and communication technologies (ICTs) in a participatory way, to generate crossroads between citizens, horizontal, collaborative and cooperative encounters, which are already producing social changes in the whole world. It is the promotion of a “critical pedagogy” or “radical” that Giroux (1997), McLaren and Kincheloe (2008) already talked about, focusing on the need for education to contribute to the work of criticism and reflection on historical relations of oppression; revealing the ways in which power operates; and contributing to the rescue and socialization of other knowledge, looks and expressions that have been systematically silenced. Cone It debunks myths

, young people belonging to a school with little cultural diversity, from a socioeconomically privileged neighborhood of the city, take the floor and show that they are interested in the social realities of the whole city.