image_gallery Jair Vega, professor of the Department of Social Communication and researcher of the Research Group in Communication and Culture PBX of the Universidad del Norte, from Barranquilla, Colombia has recognized the work carried out by elParlante in building communication experiences.

“elParlante is a bet on the conviction that communication is more process than message, which is why its projects agree that the purpose of communication is more in the way of doing it than in the content of what is done”, explains the professor of the Colombian University.

He adds that “it is interaction with other contexts, through communication processes and experiences where interculturality is constructed, it is in the same action of communicating, of expressing themselves, from which those who participate in their projects affirm their citizenship. Participation in the Parlante is not a methodological option but an action inherent to the communicative exercise”, pointed out the academic.

He is currently in the second year of his PhD in Communication at Universidad del Norte (Colombia). As part of the inter-institutional cooperation activities of the Universidad del Norte, he is also a professor in maestras of other universities in Colombia and Latin America, he is a researcher and consultant in this field, both nationally and internationally, with social, state and international cooperation institutions.

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