10 short films, 10 years of shared stories

10 short films, 10 years of shared stories

ElParlante is 10 years old and we want to share with you 10 videos that have been part of this adventure. A journey inspired by all the theoretical and methodological work that links participation, communication and popular education with social transformation....
What is cooked in the North Zone?

What is cooked in the North Zone?

The North Zone of Nou Barris is a permanent laboratory for boiling community projects. The latest is Ocupa’t BCN, a project to promote young people from Ciutat Meridiana, Vallbona and Torre Baró.   By: Ana Cecilia Cervantes On July 6th, the group of young...
The Common Crossroads

The Common Crossroads

In 2009 La Cruïlla Comú was born, an initiative that the Cultural Association elParlante wanted to develop in Barcelona to reflect and discuss northern and southern relations. The idea was to create a media education project, carried out with secondary school students...