The North Zone of Nou Barris is a permanent laboratory for boiling community projects. The latest is Ocupa’t BCN, a project to promote young people from Ciutat Meridiana, Vallbona and Torre Baró.


By: Ana Cecilia Cervantes

On July 6th, the group of young people who have participated in the Ocupa’t BCN project presented their video curricula to the community and demonstrated their culinary skills at Cruïlla al Punt

, the new bar-restaurant and cooking school in Zona Nord.

This proposal has been cooking slowly, slowly, for some time, because the entities that work in the North Zone, such as Salesians PES Cruïlla, Community Plan , Fundació Jovent and elParlante, wanted to develop a joint project to contribute to the introduction of young people into the world of work.

Thus, with the support of Barcelona City Council

, Barcelona Activa

and the Pla de Barris, we managed to carry out a proposal for training, audiovisual co-creation and promotion of the knowledge and skills learned by young people in Zona Nord linked to the PFI labor insertion programs



Cooking and audiovisual creation

The binomial “cuisine and audiovisual” is increasingly important in the culinary world. Among the most popular profiles on social networks are those of chefs, chefs or foodies who share photos and videos of the restaurants they visit, the dishes they eat or the recipes they make. Why not do the same with the youth group of North Zone? Why not give the tools to better communicate what they do and how they do it?


Yaniris Cardona, cooking student. recording your video resume


With this idea, it was proposed to make a project of audiovisual co-creation and strategic communication for young people, complementary to their training. A process aimed at the dissemination and promotion of themselves, through video curricula and video recipes, but also to the strengthening of networks linked to job search, all in close relation to the development and support of the territory.

Before putting faces and dishes in front of the cameras, sessions dedicated to emotional intelligence were energized to work on assertive communication or conflict resolution, and the group’s communication skills were reinforced to work on identity, image and marketing personal. The ultimate goal is that they can better expose their own professional qualities to their potential employers and / or clients.


A taste with pre-production

In the audiovisual world, pre-production is the preliminary preparation of everything needed for the day of filming before saying “action!”. And in the culinary world it is no different. In As part of the presentation of the video curriculums, video recipes and documentary of the Ocupa’t project, the young participants offered the audience some tapas prepared especially for this occasion.


Amram Messaud, cooking student, plating a French omelette.


The group of young people had the supervision of the Campus of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy CETT

of the University of Barcelona, who have been in charge of the preproduction and accompaniment in the elaboration of the tapas.

This was the penultimate stage of the process, in which the group of young people enjoyed the full experience of preparing a catering: going shopping at the market, making the preliminary preparations of the food and assembling some film covers.

The last step was the presentation to the audience of the result of all this, them and themselves, with their words. It was very exciting, and above all, we enjoyed an experience audiovisual, culinary and community unique in the North Zone.

To learn more about the project, visit the website