I prefer intense perreo

I prefer intense perreo

PUBLISHED BY Alfredo Cohen Montoya A very young Carlitos Vives revolutionized the music scene of the Colombian Caribbean by recovering old songs, and I, when I was only seven years old, hugged my father in the midst of 20 thousand souls, singing these stanzas as if...
Old lives matter

Old lives matter

#oldlivesmatter OLD LIVES MATTER , We don’t mind calling elderly people old. To these people with whom we have been working for years to combat ageism from projects such as the La GRAN pantalla Film Festival , or the participatory videos of La Gran Gent Gran ....
Let’s talk about disability bluntly

Let’s talk about disability bluntly

They say they are special or that we hurt their feelings if we call them disabled… Have you ever asked a person with a functional or intellectual disability how they want you to treat them? Talking to them too loudly, holding hands to cross the street or...