

GRANS is a series that works as a window into the realities and problems that older people have to face. It is a project carried out by the Cultural Association elParlante and Camille Zonca, in collaboration with the Advisory Council of the Elderly of Barcelona. The script arises from several meetings with older people who have wanted to share their experiences and expectations on the different topics covered. Each piece includes a making of of these narrative co-creation sessions.

The first episode, “A la bretxa”, seeks to generate a reflection on the unconditional love of older people towards their families, the democratization of care, the importance of technological support, and the right to privacy. It is a story that leaves a crack, an opening, a new possibility.

The second episode, “I’ll Stay With You,” revolves around sexual relationships over 65. Maria, a 72-year-old widow, tries out a dating app for the first time. Núria, her best friend, wonders who she’ll stay with.