L@s Ñañ@s. Herman@s of the earth.


There are brothers of mother, father, blood, motherland. In Ecuador, they are called ñañ@s to siblings of life, those who grow up in the houses next door, those who go to school together, those who share the streets of the neighborhood. Children of the same rivers, the same mountains, the same forests, the same land.

L@s ñañ@s is a communication strategy for social change and participatory video that uses elParlante’s methodology to empower and involve l@s young people from Bella María, Chaquizcha and Guara (province of Loja, southern Ecuador) in the sustainable development of their communities. The workshops seek to reflect on collective identity and encourage citizen participation. L@s ñañ@s was carried out within the framework of the activities of the Healthy Living Initiative, a project of the Tropical Disease Institute (Ohio University) that seeks to control Chagas disease in southern Ecuador.