The project that was presented to us as a challenge and as a pilot has turned out to be one of the most fluid, enriching and exciting experiences we have lived so far.

During the 2015-2016 academic year elParlante has intervened in about twenty schools throughout Catalonia.
The projects that are framed within formal education have the added difficulty of adapting to the routines of a center. However, sometimes you come across schools where involvement, passion for innovation and educational transformation make them special, schools that have magic. This has been the case of the project Compartint experiències, designed by the Department of Services to People and the Territory (District of Les Corts) and energized by elParlante and the school itself.

The objective of this experience has been to create a meeting bridge between 3rd ESO students and some of their grandmothers and grandparents. The elderly and the group of young people exchanged knowledge and experiences, with new technologies as a common thread. In the sessions we have worked on aspects such as Google Maps, human relationships, online and traditional games and photography.

From the tenderness of the students, teachers involved, and grandmothers and grandparents, a good atmosphere has been created in the classroom where the participants have been the protagonists of their own learning process, as promoted by edu-communication, motor and essence of elParlante.

One of the objectives of the project, which has been more than fulfilled, has been to improve relations between older people and young people, as can be seen in this documentary that collects testimonies of the experience, as well as a summary of the workshops lived.