Photographing oneself to share the migratory mourning

Photographing oneself to share the migratory mourning

The students of the reception classroom of the Vall d’Hebron Institute have carried out the Synchronize project, energized by the entity elParlante, to work on their migration processes through photography. By: Victòria Oliveres When the educators of elParlante...

A gastronomic speed networking in the North Zone!

The group of young people from the labour insertion and community action project Ocupa’tBCN will participate in a Speed networking with people from the gastronomic sector of Barcelona. Next June 28 we have an appointment at 10:30 AM at the Cruïlla...
Visible roaming

Visible roaming

Visible roaming, more than a traveling photographic exhibition, is the visualization of what seems intangible: the motivations of people who migrate. From the beginning of the project we approached with the group of young people of 4th ESO of FEDAC Sant Andreu...
The Common Crossroads

The Common Crossroads

In 2009 La Cruïlla Comú was born, an initiative that the Cultural Association elParlante wanted to develop in Barcelona to reflect and discuss northern and southern relations. The idea was to create a media education project, carried out with secondary school students...