We look critically around us
At the same time that the year 2024 ends, we also close some projects that try to look critically at the media in particular and society in general. We have collaborated with the Costa i Llobera...
GRANS (the series)
GRANS is designed as a serial audiovisual project, that is to say, to be integrated by several chapters, so that each chapter deals with a main theme and several secondary themes. Although they are...
ACTIVACCIÓ – Educate with cinema, cultural diversity and creativity
The ACTIVACCIÓ project has become an evolution of SINCRONITZA'T, which had 5 editions. It is an audiovisual co-creation space that has made it possible to create, in the reception room of the...
Educommunication Training – Art, culture and community action is back
The Training in Educommunication is designed by the Cultural Association elParlante , an entity that has more than 15 years of experience in the design, execution and evaluation of communication and...
elParlante joins the Smooth project with the collaboration of Pompeu Fabra University
SMOOTH (Educational Common Spaces. Passing through enclosures and reversing inequalities) is a project led by the University of Thessaly (Greece) that will be developed over three years (2021-2024)....
The invisible bugs
PUBLISHED BY Alfredo Cohen Montoya I didn't like termite. I was just a kid when he ended up with a giant closet in my home studio. He fell suddenly to the ground, an illustrated encyclopedia of the...
I prefer intense perreo
PUBLISHED BY Alfredo Cohen Montoya A very young Carlitos Vives revolutionized the music scene of the Colombian Caribbean by recovering old songs, and I, when I was only seven years old, hugged my...
Old lives matter
#oldlivesmatter OLD LIVES MATTER , We don't mind calling elderly people old. To these people with whom we have been working for years to combat ageism from projects such as the La GRAN pantalla Film...
Interview with Marta Roqueta Fernández: Love, sex and desire in the digital era
Marta Roqueta Fernández is a journalist and feminist, a path that has led her to investigate the representations of gender, ethnicity, functional diversity and LGBTI identities in mass culture. His...
Oh my joy!-The series is attractive, transmedia and socially responsible
Is it possible to entertain and educate at the same time with a fictional product? This is what edutainment does and what the Oh my goig-La Series team wants to achieve: an attractive, transmedia...
Let’s talk about disability bluntly
They say they are special or that we hurt their feelings if we call them disabled... Have you ever asked a person with a functional or intellectual disability how they want you to treat them?...
Streets, photos and lots of poetry to open “Intergenerational Dialogues”
The group of young people from the Proyecto Prisma - Navas en Acción prepare cameras and interviews in various spaces of the neighborhood. Despite the prejudices, in Navas there are very active...
Photographing oneself to share the migratory mourning
The students of the reception classroom of the Vall d'Hebron Institute have carried out the Synchronize project, energized by the entity elParlante, to work on their migration processes through...
10 short films, 10 years of shared stories
ElParlante is 10 years old and we want to share with you 10 videos that have been part of this adventure. A journey inspired by all the theoretical and methodological work that links participation,...
A festival celebrating the beauty of gray hair and wrinkles.
Interview with Alfredo Cohen, director of the Parlante and executive producer of La GRAN pantalla ! How did the idea of a Festival like this come about? Participatory work session of La Gran Gent...
Barcelona will host La GRAN pantalla, the International Film Festival for the Elderly
By: Esther Pedrós Martorell Head of Press of The BIG Screen! Barcelona will host, from June 6 to 9, 2019, La GRAN pantalla, the International Film Festival of the Elderly. This new cultural event...
Communication+Education = Social Transformation
Sometimes, explaining what we do is not very easy, we work on various topics and population groups in different spaces of formal education and leisure. We do not have a specific canon, each group...
What is cooked in the North Zone?
The North Zone of Nou Barris is a permanent laboratory for boiling community projects. The latest is Ocupa't BCN, a project to promote young people from Ciutat Meridiana, Vallbona and Torre Baró....
I’m old so what?
elParlante worked on the image and communication of this campaign of the Barcelona City Council to break stereotypes around the fact of aging. I'm old so what? It is an initiative to raise...
The Great Elderly of Les Corts
Photography, theatre and a lot of media criticism make all the difference in this active ageing project that we started in the District of Les Corts. Last May we screened the short film Las...
Visible roaming
Visible roaming, more than a traveling photographic exhibition, is the visualization of what seems intangible: the motivations of people who migrate. From the beginning of the project we approached...
Interview with Pol Galofre: LGTBIQ Imaginaries and Representations
To talk about LGTBIQ imaginaries and representations in the media and other aspects of the image, we have invited Pol Galofre, activist and sonidist specialized in documentary film, linked to the...
The experience: This doesn’t sell!
What do they have in common with the Reggaeton and Normative Heterosexuality? We talk about this in the new video This does not sell, we made for the Desmuntatòpics 2017 project with El Consell de...
We make you a proposal: Dare!
Dare to love who you want to love and not who you are supposed to love! In the summer of 2015 we gave a particular turn to the work of Educommunication. After having participated in a training of...
Project Knots: Weaving networks of alliances
Nusos is a meeting between peripheries, where activists, associations and collectives meet to dialogue and analyze horizontal violence in social movements. The concern to work on these issues...
Seminar on Educommunication for Global Justice
From elParlante and Teleduca , with the support of the Cooperation Office of the Barcelona City Council, we have designed a theoretical and practical seminar on educommunication for global justice....
Alfredo Cohen: “The future of social projects will be measuring the impact of each intervention”
Today we interview Alfredo Cohen, director and coordinator of elParlante. The reason is clear: after 4 long years, her doctoral thesis entitled "Evaluative research for the design of a proposal for...
Human beings have serious problems agreeing on most issues, but there is one that seems to have unanimity: one of the things that concerns us all is health. Not only do we want to enjoy good health,...
In times of crisis not only economic but above all political, moral and social, where individualism takes an almost hegemonic role, organizations emerge formed by people or groups that detect in...
By: Alfredo Cohen Communicating is sharing. Communicating does not mean inoculating, selling, proposing or presenting ideas to other people. Truly communicating, communicating seriously is much...
By: Alfredo Cohen Emotion is the impulse that induces action. Everyone knows that video is currently the format par excellence for transmitting emotions. Every day 3,000 million videos are...
By: Alfredo Cohen "That they collapse health, that they don't pay taxes, that nobody inspects their stores, that they are uncivil and are one of the causes of lack of work." Although our...
La Cruïlla comú: intercultural communication in school classrooms
By: Alfredo Cohen As in previous editions, La Cruïlla Comuna , the project we have been carrying out since 2009 in different schools in Catalonia, this year will return to the classrooms of three...
The group of young people from Ciudad Esperanza participate in a social film festival in Tangier!
The stay at TanjaZoom is the award of the jury of BcnZoom, a festival of social short films made jointly by the Casal dels Infants and the Consell de Joventut de Barcelona. The BcnZoom awarded the...
“Un instant”: a short film about teenage pregnancy made with young people and teenagers from Ciutat Meridiana
"Un instant", carried out within the framework of the City of Hope project, an edu-communication and awareness-raising project that, based on the use of the media, promotes the active participation...
Barribook will be projected during Barcelona VisualSound 2014
This project, which since 2011 promotes positive interaction between young people in Horta Guinardó, has been included in an important audiovisual festival. This is Barcelona Visual Sound, which...