In 2009
La Cruïlla Comú
was born, an initiative that the

Cultural Association elParlante

wanted to develop in Barcelona to reflect and discuss northern and southern relations. The idea was to create a media education project, carried out with secondary school students that, through debate, television criticism and positive interaction, would promote the construction of an inclusive and respectful view and attitude on immigration and cultural diversity.

It has been proven, through various studies, that the hegemonic discourse of the media of perpetual mass rumours, prejudices andstereotypes about migrants. That is why, during the process of debate, criticism and construction of the discourse, the interventions of the students are recorded, to see the evolution of the group and make a video that documents the experience. With the final presentation of this audiovisual story of the process, we seek to generate new debates within the school, at home and also on social networks.

In recent years the project was We went to other municipalities in the province of Barcelona, and introduced topical issues such as the arrival of refugees, the Wars that are fought in the world, racism, machismo or gender identities, all from an intersectional perspective that fills our perspective with work.

If you want to bring La Cruïlla Comuna to a School, Institute, Library, Civic Center or the entity with which you work, you can contact us or request the subsidized activity through the
Antirumor Activities Catalog